Smart Money


Smart Money Concepts (SMC) Forex trading is a popular trading strategy that uses order blocks, breaker blocks, and other concepts to identify and trade alongside institutional traders. SMC traders believe that the market is manipulated by large institutions, such as banks and hedge funds, and that by identifying and following their trades, retail traders can increase their chances of success.

What is SMC Forex trading?

SMC Forex trading is a form of price action trading that uses unique terminology to discuss supply and demand, support and resistance, and market structure. SMC traders believe that market makers manipulate the markets and that retail traders should follow their strategies.

SMC theory

SMC theory is based on the idea that market makers, such as banks and hedge funds, have the most influence on the market. SMC traders believe that by identifying and following the trades of market makers, retail traders can increase their chances of success.

Where did SMC Forex trading come from?

SMC Forex trading originated with The Inner Circle Trader (ICT), offered by Michael J. Huddleston. Huddleston developed SMC theory based on his years of experience trading as a market maker.

SMC core concepts and terminology

Some of the key SMC concepts and terms include:

  • Order blocks: Areas of supply and demand where market makers place their orders.
  • Breaker blocks: Areas where market makers break through order blocks to create liquidity.
  • Mitigation blocks: Areas where market makers mitigate their risk after breaking through order blocks.
  • Flip zones: Areas where market makers are likely to flip their positions from long to short or vice versa.
  • Fair value gaps: Gaps in the price chart that are likely to be filled by market makers.
  • Market structure: The overall trend and direction of the market.

Controversies about SMC Forex trading

SMC Forex trading is a controversial strategy, as some critics argue that its theory is speculative and unverifiable, and that its terminology can complicate learning and communication. Others argue that SMC is repackaged price action trading with unnecessary complexity.

Pros and cons of SMC


  • Some traders find success with SMC’s unique approach.
  • It builds on the well-established history of price action trading.
  • SMC may make price action easier to understand for some.


  • Some theory elements do not align with the significance of retail traders to large institutions.
  • The theories behind SMC are speculative and unverifiable.
  • SMC’s unique terminology can complicate learning and communication.
  • It’s associated with elitism and may require payment for certain resources.

How to trade using SMC

To trade using SMC, traders need to be able to identify order blocks, breaker blocks, mitigation blocks, flip zones, and fair value gaps. Traders also need to have a good understanding of market structure.

Once traders have identified these key elements, they can look for trading opportunities. For example, traders may look to buy at the bottom of an order block or sell at the top of a breaker block. Traders may also look to trade at flip zones or fair value gaps.

SMC trading tips

Here are a few SMC trading tips:

  • Only trade in the direction of the market structure. SMC traders believe that the market structure is the most important factor to consider when trading. If the market is trending up, SMC traders will look for opportunities to buy. If the market is trending down, SMC traders will look for opportunities to sell.
  • Use order blocks, breaker blocks, and mitigation blocks to identify trading opportunities. SMC traders believe that order blocks, breaker blocks, and mitigation blocks are key areas where market makers place their orders. By identifying these areas, SMC traders can look for opportunities to trade alongside market makers.
  • Use risk management to protect your capital. SMC trading is a risky strategy, so it’s important to use risk management to protect your capital. SMC traders typically use stop-loss orders to limit their losses on each trade.

SMC trading example

Here is a simple SMC trading example:

The market is trending up and the trader has identified an order block at the bottom of the trend. The trader decides to buy at the bottom of the order block. The market continues to trend up and the trader’s trade is profitable.


SMC trading resources

There are a number of SMC trading resources available online and in libraries. Some of the most popular resources include:

  • The Inner Circle Trader (ICT)
  • Smart Money Concepts (SMC) by Michael J. Huddleston
  • Smart Order Flow by Al Brooks
  • Advanced Price Action Trading by Al Brooks


SMC Forex trading is a popular trading strategy that uses order blocks, breaker blocks, and other concepts to identify and trade alongside institutional traders. SMC traders believe that the market is manipulated by large institutions, such as banks and hedge funds, and that by identifying and following their trades, retail traders can increase their chances of success.


Q: Is SMC Forex trading profitable?

A: SMC Forex trading can be profitable, but it’s important to remember that there is no guaranteed trading strategy. SMC traders need to have a good understanding of the market and be able to identify order blocks, breaker blocks, and other key elements.

Q: Is SMC Forex trading right for me?

A: Whether or not SMC Forex trading is right for you depends on your individual trading style and risk tolerance. SMC trading is a risky strategy, so it’s important to make sure that you understand the risks involved before you start trading.

Additional tips

Here are a few additional tips for SMC traders:

  • Use multiple time frames. SMC traders typically use multiple time frames to analyze the market. This allows them to see the overall market structure and identify potential trading opportunities.
  • Be patient. SMC trading is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes time and practice to learn how to identify and trade SMC patterns.
  • Trade with a small account. When you’re first starting out, it’s best to trade with a small account. This will help you to limit your losses and learn from your mistakes.


SMC Forex trading is a powerful trading strategy that can help traders to identify and trade alongside institutional traders. However, it’s important to remember that SMC trading is a risky strategy and that there is no guaranteed trading strategy. SMC traders need to have a good understanding of the market and be able to identify order blocks, breaker blocks, and other key elements.