Aussie Space

Australia is poised to become a major player in the future of space technology, and for IT professionals, it’s a golden opportunity.
From AI and cybersecurity to game development, diverse skillsets are in high demand as the industry takes off. While still nascent compared to some countries, Australia’s space sector is projected to generate $12 billion by 2030, employing 30,000 people.

The government is actively prioritizing key areas:

  • Positioning, navigation, a timing: Crucial for satellite operations and Earth observation.
  • Earth observation: Monitoring environmental changes, resource exploration, and disaster management.
  • Communication technologies and services: Enabling reliable data transmission from space.
  • Space situational awareness and debris monitoring: Ensuring the safety of satellites and space infrastructure.
  • Leapfrog research and development: Pushing the boundaries of space technology.
  • Robotics and automation: Both on Earth and in space, for tasks like resource extraction and exploration.
  • Access to space: Developing domestic launch capabilities and collaborating with international partners.

Australia’s unique geographic location gives it a strategic edge in many of these areas. Its vast Southern Hemisphere coverage makes it ideal for “leveraging international space missions and commercial launch activities,” as showcased by NASA’s 2022 sub-orbital rocket launches from Arnhem Land.

But ambition alone isn’t enough. The good news is that Australia is heavily investing in space skills development. The Australian Space Agency’s Space Industry Work Experience Program gives high school students a taste of the industry and the skills needed to succeed. Universities are also adapting, with data analytics and AI expertise becoming increasingly sought-after.

However, the career paths in space extend far beyond the usual suspects. Cybersecurity, for example, is crucial for protecting sensitive information in space, making it a surprisingly relevant field for IT pros. Open Universities aptly states: “Space orgs need to share highly sensitive information without fearing security breaches, which is where cyber security specialists come in.”

Even game development can lead to unexpected opportunities. In 2017, Melbourne’s Opaque Media partnered with NASA to develop VR training tools for astronauts, simulating the experience of being on a space station. While the project and Opaque Media itself are no longer active, it highlights the potential for game developers to contribute to space exploration.

This diverse range of opportunities underscores the one thing that unites all potential space professionals: a sense of wonder and curiosity about the cosmos. The Australian space industry recognizes this, encouraging whimsy through initiatives like the Kids In Space competition, which has generated nearly 1 million student designs over the years.

Australia has the education, expertise, and strategic location to become a leader in the next wave of space exploration and development. And for IT professionals with a passion for the unknown, the opportunities are as vast as the universe itself.

So, if you’ve ever gazed at the stars and dreamed of being part of something bigger, Australia’s booming space industry might just be your launching pad to the future.